A (I)legítima Intervenção Penal Na Tutela De Bens Universais
Legal right, Abstract danger., Criminal legitimacy, Supraindividual goods, PrinciplesAbstract
This paper presents the study on state intervention in the protection of supra-individual legal rights from the point of view of dogmatics. The objective is to verify if the criminal interference, in the creation of crimes of abstract danger, for the protection of such assets, finds adequate receptivity by the constitutional penal principles. Its study is important, since the non-legitimacy of the criminal intervention may raise the unconstitutionality of crimes of this nature. For this task, the deductive method was used, through a bibliographical survey on the subject. The results show that the criminal intervention is legitimate and finds support in new paradigms that must guide the modern criminal law, in the protection of collective assets in submission to the collective interests.
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