Bruce Macarthur’s Case And The Common Factor Among Serial Killers


  • Carlos Roberto Bacila PhD, Professor of Criminology and Law and Cinema at Universidade Federal do Paraná (Brazil) and Visiting Researcher at University of Ottawa (Canada)



Serial Killer, Stigmas, Crime, Bruce MacArthur, Investigation


This work presents an analysis of the case of Toronto’s serial killer Bruce MacArthur, focusing on identifying a common factor among the cases of the most worldwide known series assassins. That is, what would be the main difficulty in investigating and holding those involved more quickly, from the perspective of the thesis of stigmas as second code. A comparison among these serial killers was made, confirming that common rules related to stigmas in fact interfere in the criminal responsibility of the person involved in serious crimes, in a way that if the person has no stigma, he/she has little visibility to criminal investigation and accountability, although strong evidences that he/she may have committed homicides are present. In the end, I present some suggestions in order to avoid the interference of stigmas such as negative second codes.


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How to Cite

Bacila, C. R. (2019). Bruce Macarthur’s Case And The Common Factor Among Serial Killers. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 5(9), 279–296.