A Necessidade De Uma Única Medida Na Aferição De Dois Pesos: A Teoria Por Trás Da Relativização Do Princípio Da Não Intervenção Para Fins De Proteção Dos Direitos Humanos E Seus Reflexos No Tocante À Soberania
Humanitarian Intervention, Soberany, Humam Rights, Principle of non-interventionAbstract
In view of the current humanitarian crises and those already faced, it is necessary tostudy about the appeasement of the concept of sovereignty and the relaxation of the principle ofintervention, this is why one of the most relevant axiological shocks in the international scenario is the one between the concepts of sovereignty and human rights. This article, therefore, seeks to address theconflict between the concepts of humanitarian intervention and sovereignty in order to demonstrate the possible – andflexibility of the principle of non-intervention. Finally, it will analyze the concept, as well as thelegality and legitimacy of the humanitarian intervention institute with the objective of sustainingthe idea that the international community has the right, and even the duty, to act in some cases.
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