The Fundamental Right of Respect for the Dignity of the Human Person


  • Edgardo Torres López Juez Superior de la Corte Superior de Justicia de Lima Norte. Abogado. Egresado de la maestría de Políticas Jurisdiccionales de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Miembro Honorario del Instituto Paranense de Derecho Ha sido conferencista en diversos congresos internacionales. Ha sido docente de la Universidad Católica Sede Sapientiae, en los cursos de Derecho Constitucional y Derecho Civil. Facultad de Derecho Universidad Católica Sede Sapientiae Distrito: Los Olivos, Provincia Lima.



Dignity, Morale, Law, Liberty, Constitution, Constitutional State of Law, Fundamental Rights


The dignity of the person is a fundamental right and duty in the Constitutional State, from a moral and legal perspective; It is the basis of respect, freedom, autonomy and responsibility of the human being. In this frame:

A. The objectives set forth in this article are the following:

1. Know the meaning and importance of human dignity.

2. Consign some examples that serve as a normative and practical reference, for the respect of dignity.

3. Specify part of the significance of the concept of dignity in the Constitutional State of Law.

B Hypothesis

The lack of respect for human dignity as a fundamental basis, of the Constitutional State of Law, has generated and continues to generate serious situations of violence and great social, cultural and economic gaps; that could be solved by complying with and enforcing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

C Methodology.-

Review of bibliography, legal texts and observation of reality.

D Results achieved.

Approach to reality, and clues to deepen the investigation


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How to Cite

López, E. T. (2022). The Fundamental Right of Respect for the Dignity of the Human Person. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 8(15), 281–295.