Soberania versus Fraternidade


  • Carmen Luiza Dias de Azambuja Procuradora de justiça aposentada, mestre em Processo Civil pela UFRGS, doutora em Direito pela Unisinos, Mestre pela Samford University, Alabama, USA.



State, sovereignty, fundamental rights, effetiveness of the fundamental rights, Fraternity


Law is only obeyed if accepted by the population. State can not force human rights as simple rules and the enforcement is do to Sovereignty and execution. Equality and Liberty depend on their active implementation by the State. As such, only considering peace as a fundamental right, we can transcend the State. All the States and citizens must have the same notion. That will be its internal and external conditions. Therefore, fundamental rights as fraternity/peace, like principles, will be consider and true for effectiveness. Thus, make to the others what we want to be made to us. It is the real effectiveness. That is the base (essence) of the fraternity, like a fundamental right of peace as the fifth generation of de human rights.


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Observo que as obras antigas são de domínio público, bem como outras em várias edições podem ser obtidas. As referências da internet datam de janeiro/feveiro de 2020.

As referências no texto foram feitas para melhor acompanhamento da análise respectiva de cada tema a partir delas tratado.



How to Cite

Azambuja, C. L. D. de. (2021). Soberania versus Fraternidade. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 7(12), 251–272.