Antissemitismo Digital: o Paradigma Tecnológico nas Modulações de Discriminação dos Judeus


  • Pedro Lima Marcheri Doutor em Direito pela Instituição Toledo de Ensino de Bauru – ITE. Mestre em Direito pelo Centro Universitário Eurípedes de Marília – UNIVEM. Professor na graduação em Direito Penal no Centro Universitário Católico Salesiano “Auxilium” – UniSALESIANO, Lins – São Paulo – Brasil. E-mail:



Anti-Semitism, Prejudice, Internet, Hate Speech, Computer Crimes


Discrimination against Jews was densified from the uprising of new technologies. Before the emergence of new types of odious discrimination on the Internet, this work sought to highlight improvements in the legal model for the protection of Jews, promoting the inclusion of minorities in criminal law. The hypothesis consists in the inadequacy of criminal types that fight anti-Semitism due to inadequate linguistic records of crimes elementary. Starting from a deductive-hypothetical study on the influence of new technologies in this phenomenon, new languages of odious discrimination against Jews were observed in the world wide web, the so-called virtual anti-Semitism. This phenomenon is not satisfactorily addressed by law, notably in current criminalization patterns. In order to face this issue, it is necessary to insert specific legal measures for computer crimes. It was concluded that the gaps related to criminalization converge in three factors: lack of identification of different forms of anti-Semitism; strengthening Jewish identity; adoption of a criminalization model that limits the possible criminal frameworks.


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How to Cite

Marcheri, P. L. (2021). Antissemitismo Digital: o Paradigma Tecnológico nas Modulações de Discriminação dos Judeus. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 7(12), 55–71.



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