Prescription of community debt in horizontal property




prescription, debt, term, obligation, years, property, horizontal, interruption, regulation


The limitation period for actions to demand compliance with the obligation to contribute to the expenses for the adequate maintenance of the building subject to the horizontal property regime is a controversial and far from peaceful issue in doctrine and jurisprudence. The objective of this work is to propose a definitive period of prescription for actions to demand compliance with this obligation and its legal location. Currently there are several possible hypotheses that in all cases conclude within a statute of limitations of five years. Having been the intention of the legislator that the limitation period for the fulfillment of obligations in annual terms or shorter terms is lower than that of obligations not subject to their own term, it is foreseeable that the term of the former will be reduced in the future. Another possibility is that a legal reform is carried out that allows the regulation of the prescription of the obligation to contribute to the horizontal property regime to be introduced in special legislation, apart from the general legislation of the Civil Code. To achieve the proposed result, the simple legal dogmatic method has been used, through the analysis of the current legal regulation, to make the proposal of the future regulation after the analysis of the doctrine and jurisprudence related to the different hypotheses. The result achieved determines the need to maintain the five-year limitation period, determined in the Horizontal Property Law.


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Author Biography

Carlos de Lara Vences, Universidad de Burgos

Profesor Asociado Doctor de Derecho Civil en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Burgos, 09001, Burgos, España.


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How to Cite

Vences, C. de L. (2024). Prescription of community debt in horizontal property. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 10(19), 801–820.