Una Revisión de la Pensión Compensatoria como Pensión de Desequilibrio Económico: Visiones Doctrinales y Jurisprudenciales
Compensatory pension, economic imbalance, divorce, postmarital solidarityAbstract
It is undeniable that the regulation of marital crises and their effects occupy a relevant place within the so-called “family law”. The purpose of this paper is to review the compensatory pension figure and highlight the latest trends in the jurisprudential treatment of compensation, taking into account the different aspects considered most relevant both by our courts and by the specialized doctrine. Through a descriptive methodology, it is intended to convey to the reader the importance of this civil institution referred to in article 97 of the Civil Code and which, by virtue of its wide use over the years and its proximity to other figures, causes a social closeness that is blurred by in-depth analysis.It should be noted that nowadays, the development of jurisprudence has made it possible for the defining elements of the institution to be clearly determinable and for the compensatory pension to be referred to as a pension with an economic imbalance, leaving behind outdated realities.
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