Development hermeneutics: the right to development and its functions of integration, control and interpretation




Right to Development, Interdimensional Fundamental Human Right, Integration Function, Control Function, Interpretation Function, Hermeneutics of Development


This text presents the foundations of the legality of the phenomenon of development, understood as a fundamental human right, in two areas: in international law and in Brazilian law. Still, it exposes some of its characteristics, true guidelines of its good understanding (objectives). It is the result of research tending to present a hermeneutic theory of development (hypothesis), motivated by the debate persistently present in the Theory of Law, about what would be the appropriate method for, surpassing that of subsumption, the interpretation and application of legal norms that have as a purpose the recognition, protection, effectiveness and also the optimization of human rights. The data collection methods were documental and bibliographical. The data analysis method was the critical-narrative review. From a philosophical point of view or a general approach, this research was based on hermeneutic structuralism. (methodology used). Once development is understood as a fundamental human right, one can see three functions that make it possible to structure a hermeneutic theory of development (results achieved). The fundamental human right to development has characteristics and functions that support a New Hermeneutics, compatible with the desire for effectiveness and optimization of human rights: the hermeneutics of development (final considerations).


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Author Biography

Danilo de Oliveira, Universidade Santa Cecília

Doutor e Mestre em Direitos Humanos pela PUC-SP, Especialista em Direito Público, Professor do PPG stricto sensu em Direito da Saúde da Universidade Santa Cecília (UNISANTA), CEP 11.045-040, Santos, São Paulo, Brasil, Coordenador da 2ª Região da Escola Superior da Advocacia da OAB-SP, Sócio fundador da Lamy, Oliveira e Santos Sociedade de Advogados.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, D. de. (2024). Development hermeneutics: the right to development and its functions of integration, control and interpretation. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 10(18), 509–526.