Derechos e Garantías de la Víctima en el Espacio de Libertad, Seguridad y Justicia: Un Diseño de Protección Intregal Frente al Delito
European Union, legislative haronization, victim statusAbstract
The legal treatment that recently has been going to the victim, their rights and guarantees, in the field of the area of freedom, security and justice, is addressed in this paper. As a result of the evolution of crime and the invisible position of the victim in criminal matters, traditionally focused on the rights of the offender, as well as differences between the legal systems of the Member States, have led the European Union to adopt the decision to regulate all legal aspects that determine a legal status of the victim and that, through the harmonization of legislation, intended to provided it a position of equality on the criminal proceedings. Specific attention, also, dedicates the particularly vulnerable persons, such as child victim or persons subjected to repeat violence, who need special protection measures. As a result, in this matter the main objective of the European Union is to prevent situations of repeat victimization and retaliation that disturb the victims and impede them act freely during the legal proceedings.
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