The European Union as a Major Player in the Fight Against Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities


  • Carlos Fco. Molina del Pozo Professor of Administrative Law Chair Jean Monnet “ad personam” of European Law University of Alcalá de Henares President of the Euro-Latin American Institute of Studies for the integration.
  • Pablo Cristobal Molina del Pozo Martin Degree in Law Contract agent in DG Development and Cooperation, European Commission Associate of the Chair Jean Monnet of European Law University of Alcalá de Henares.



climate change, European Union, civil society, citizen participation, challenges and opportunities


Why is it important to reconsider the elements related to climate change? Is the European Union indeed a major player? What kind of role do civil society and the European citizens have in this difficult situation of constant changes? Could we consider the fight against climate change as a possible link to the future creation of a federal union in Europe? These questions and comments are just a few of the numerous questions that we will try to respond in this paper. We will provide a comprehensive overview of the current framework which is mainly based on the Treaties and the international agreements that have been adopted over time. With this paper we wish to alert our readers and raise their awareness on the issue, not by proving something that is already happening, as innumerable scientists suggest, i.e. global climate change, but by focusing on the role the European Union could play as a leader that is able to achieve the clear objectives and major goals of sustainable development. We will also present an overview concerning the context of civil society in which we will present various opinions showing the approach of the EESC on the issue. Furthermore, we will address some key areas outlining the underlying concepts and highlighting the importance of citizen participation in this vast and important topic in order to ensure that, thanks to the cooperation of all stakeholders, a global climate agreement can become more feasible. The purpose of this paper is to provide positive elements and possible solutions to the major issue of climate change by reaching conclusions for the future situation with a broad perspective.


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How to Cite

Pozo, C. F. M. del, & Martin, P. C. M. del P. (2016). The European Union as a Major Player in the Fight Against Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 2(3), 89–109.