Política Agraria y Desarrollo Rural en Cuba
Agrarian, Politics, Rural, CubaAbstract
Cuba eminently agricultural country, where the property is structured on the earth in three fundamental forms, the state property, cooperative and of the small farmers.
It is the Ministry of the Agriculture the Organism of the Central Administration of the State, the one in charge of tracing the agrarian politics of the country, and with her the structuring of the rural development of Cuba. Approximately more than 82% of the whole arable earth of the country, it is state property, however those that more contributes to the economy are the other two forms of property, nevertheless it has not been possible to cover the necessities of the whole population’s foods, being indispensable to settle down political public on the part of the State that you/they contribute to the rural development, the production and consequently the agricultural commercialization.
It is for it that the establishment of the concession of the state earth in usufruct has natural and juridical people, it has constituted one in the ways that have been, as political public, to put to produce big extensions of lands in personal benefit and community to reach a sovereignty and alimentary security.
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Decreto No. 350/2018 Gaceta Oficial Extraordinaria número 39 de 7 de agosto del 2018 (GOC-2018-505-EX39)
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-Resolución Conjunta No.1/2012 MINAG- IPF
-Resolución Conjunta No.1/2012 MEP-MFP
-Resolución No. 768/2012 MINAG
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