Implicaciones Jurídicas de la Implementación de Ciudades Inteligentes en la Unión Europea y en España




Smart cities, digital transformation, regulation, legal challenges, Big data, data protection


he importance of cities and their populations grow more and more, as well as the need to apply ICT in their management to reduce their environmental impact and improve the services they offer to their citizens. Hence the concept of smart city arises, a transformation of urban spaces that the European Union and Spain are strongly promoting through public-private collaboration and which is largely based on the use of data and its treatment using Big data and Artificial Intelligence techniques based in algorithms. This research analyzes the challenges that smart city projects face in the technical and legal aspects, the latter focusing on respect for the Law on transparency and access to public information and to the algorithms mentioned, the regulations on open data and the reuse of data or the reconciliation of the massive processing of citizens’ data with the right to privacy, non-discrimination and protection of personal data. The use of Big data needed for the development of smart city projects requires a particular respect to data protection regulations. In this sense, the research explores in depth the dangers that can arise for this fundamental right in the framework of smart cities due to the use of Big Data, especially.


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How to Cite

Ruiz, F. J. D. (2020). Implicaciones Jurídicas de la Implementación de Ciudades Inteligentes en la Unión Europea y en España. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 6(11), 109–132.



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